Sunday, February 13, 2011

February 13, 2010, Saturday

Started the day off with a Peptalk!

Hi!!!! Well, how was your night? Did you let the nurses and machines do their job, and rest, or did you make a rucus? Girl. You gotta stop with all this fighting! You got that? I need my calm friend who rubbed my back when I was SCREAMING during contractions in my kitchen! You need to be that calm. Do you know how cal...m Jason M. is? That is what we need from you. Now, we all are praying for your liver. So you just tell it to start working. You also tell your kidneys that they need to do their job. Now, your lungs. YOU GOTTA allow those lungs to heal. You will need your lungs during our 5k's. They are important for running, Stacey said so. I love you. I miss you. I need you, friend. Even your liver. I'm ready to help you exercise it! You know. Marilyn Meberg said the only way to exercise your liver is to LAUGH! I'm ready.

8:34 am Jami H: Love the GH references u keep throwing at her! I know she is laughing about them on the inside! U tell her to get better so I can catch u BOTH up with GH, I have even been reading the message boards for her.

Jami, Jenny and I LOVED GH! I mean General Hospital. I had actually stopped watching back in the November before, I just couldn't keep up with DVR. We even help a party in 2006 to watch the daytime emmys. We had shirts... Oh, you probably don't need to know all that...

9:29 Stephanie: How are you today?

10:27 Jessie: So great news yesterday! I'm gonna run up there for a bit this morning. Do you know if the fam is there? Also, I have been thinking about the fundraising. How is that going?
Me: sounded like dav and bev would be there for sure. Prob rick. Fundraising 30,405! it has slowed a bit. We just need to continue to encourage.
Jessie: Cool. I'll put it on facebook and email it to all the peeps we send newsletters to

11:33 Carepages

Thanks for the reminder Joel!

Jenny is holding steady this morning. We asked you to pray for her white blood cell count to go down and it has. Two days ago, her count was over five times what it needed to be, and today, it is down to three times what it is supposed to be. Continue to pray that this will go back to normal.

The other prayer request as of now is that there is some internal bleeding. The source for this is undetermined, but needs to be found and treated. Or God could just stop it, that would be fine too!

Lastly, we are still praying for the liver to begin to function again. The enzyme numbers for the liver are improving, and we need this to continue to pick up.

As the passage says, "The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save!"

1:02 Me to Bev: I brought you a necklace for your charm! I'm in waiting room. I'll leave with Jessie.
I used one of the pictures I had taken of Jenny and made Beverly a pendent to wear. I then went and got her a necklace to put it on.

1:21 pm Me to KimQ: Just saw her. Everything in right direction. Pray for liver. Pray this fast dialysis to continue to work.

1:28 pm Bev: jewelry and am showing nurses our beautiful girl! THank you so much!
Me: You are so welcome.

1:33 pm Carepages

Jenny is making some progress today. She started a 4 hour dialysis instead of the continuous dialysis. Keep praying and thanks so much for joining us in this. He is mighty to save !

1:43 pm Me to the girls: Saw her minutes ago. Read carepages update BUT also pray for the internal bleeding. David is real concerned bout that.

1:45 Angie: We are 5 minutes away.
Me: from what?
Angie: Hospital

1:51 pm Julie B.: You have been on my mind all morning. I went to go text you and that's when I saw your message. Praying for Jenny and all in my prayers. Let me know if you need anything. Love you Paige and so blessed to have you in my life.

2:55 Me to the girls: She breathed 15 minutes on HER OWN
woohooo's, and atta girls came back! Amazing!

2:58 Kim Q: How is the coloring of her hands and feet?
Me: Not sure girl! But keep on praying. I saw her hands last night!!!
Kim Q: is the vent off?
Me: No

3:12 pm Kelli: That's some good news! Did everybody go to b-ball game? When will they try again?

3:13 Me to Angie: Did you see her?
Angie: Yes, I'll call you later.

4:04 pm Bev to me: Pictures are great! I think the hands are Josh's - I will check.
One of the long stressful days, I took my camera to the hospital to document a few things. I will look for those photos.
Me: Josh was eating lunch at the desk. I thought when I tookt hem. Let me know and I will rename them. DId you find your computer?
Bev: Josh just looked at pick and said it was him but I will check with David too. Computer is still in David's car. She's still doing it even after they cleaned her up
Me: Way to go Jenny! You tell her I said so!

4:55pm to girls: 1.5 hours on her own. Still vented tho! She doesn't want a trach! Lol! Pray for the liver! They also removed 6 lbs of fluid today. Prob why she can breathe!
Jami H: Holy Cow! 6 lbs! Such good news. Praying for liver.
Me: we need to make her laugh!!! That is the only exercise! Remember? Marilyn Meberg!
Jami: I forgot Marilyn said that! Surely we can come up with plenty of material to make her laugh.

8:38 Me to Bev: Still breathing on her own?
Bev: NO- now fever. YUK!!!
Me:Oh my goodness! I am praying against fever right now! Praying for her lungs to rest! Get ready for a new day! Against fever! Against fever!

8:43 to girls: Jenny is not still breathing on her own. She also now has fever! Pray against that fever right now! Reject it!

8:44 pm Bev: She is still breathing mostly on her own.

8:45pm Me to girls: Still breathing MOSTLY on her own. Sorry.

9:05 Bev: down to 99.9
Me: What was it before? Did my prayers work!!!!!!?
Bev: Highest was 103. God is at work!
Me: Praise God
Bev: Amen and Amen

Me to girls: Highest was 103 now it is 99.9!!! Keep those prayers coming!!!

10:51 pm Amy S.: Do they know why she was running a fever? Have u been at the hospital all day? How are you doing? Been checking on Jenny all day

11:23 Carepages:
Jenny continues in a positive trend. She was able to breathe for two hours on her own today. There might have been a misunderstanding earlier today; Jenny is still on the ventilator even though she was able to breathe on her own. This is still a huge blessing. In the words of Beverly, “God continues to WOW us!”
Tonight, they woke Jenny up for a few minutes to see if she would respond to a few commands from David. That is kind of funny, because even when she is well she doesn’t respond very well to David’s commands, but she did tonight. He asked her to blink twice, and she did it. He also asked her to move her arms and she did that too. They said that Jenny began to cry towards the end. Tomorrow they will try and extend the time.
Jenny still needs prayers for her kidneys, livers, and fever. Her fever got up to 103 today, but they aren’t too concerned.
Thank you for your being so involved in this season of our lives.
God is Mighty to Save!!!

My peptalk for her:

Hey Friend! It is almost time for me to turn in, but I just had to say goodnight! Emaline and Parker today threw a HORRIBLE fit about not coming to see you at the hospital! THey love their Ms. Jenny. So do I. This is what we need from you: Please tell whatever is going on in there that isn't suppose to be doing what it... is doing to LEAVE! What ever infection, or yuck, or thing causing a fever NEEDS to get out! Your body doesn't want it!! You tell it that. Can you give the doctors a sign also to let them know where that internal bleeding is? That would be SO HELPFUL! You always like to be helpful. Remember to tell that liver it needs to kick it into gear. Your lungs were totally showing out today! So proud of you. Don't over do it, but thanks for letting us know how you really felt about the trache possibility. I love you!

OH, Jami H has been reading the message boards for you. She is so willing to catch you up! Just give us the word and she will drive in I am sure. OH, and on the HOT SHEET, Elizabeth is going to Shady Brook! That got your attention, didn't it?Have a great, uneventful night!

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