Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Well, just got back from my evaluation from the gym I joined this week. I can't wait to get back into a routine after quiting bootcamp. I loved bootcamp, but after I hurt my ankles...and I had to modify everything...I had to take a month off. This facility is close and will soon be closer! I joined with a friend and have since found out that quite a few other people I know work out there too! I think we all should take the strip tease class together!! JUST KIDDING! I am looking forward to workouts though. The kids liked their facility as well. So, check back in a month and I will tell you my progress! I promise.

I am also going to start sharing some new recipes I have been using! Leave a comment if you want to do like a recipe Friday or something like that, and even if you don't want to participate...I may just start one anyway, because I know I have lurkers on here that may need a few new ones too! Enjoy your Wednesday!


Susan @ Blessed Assurances said...

Now don't think I am crazy but if you take the striptease class call me...I have been dying to do that! Hey, I am married after all and I hear it is a great workout. :)

I will join in the recipe Friday too, I have been meaning to blog some but I have yet to get around to it.

Jodi said...

Rach and I both have talked about bloggin some recipes... so we are in! :)

Um, DON'T call me about striptease class. Just fyi. :)

Beck Boys said...

That sounds like fun to me as well. Andrea and I joined a workout class that meets 6 days a week. It kicked my tail for the first couple of weeks but it is getting much better. They do this in 10 week sessions. We are in the middle of week 5. I will let you know how we come out at the end of the 10 weeks. We are doing WW as well and could always use some new recipes.

Kristen OQ said...

So did you end up joining where I go? Or decide on someplace else?

Rachel said...

hey - I've been thinking about actually starting a separate recipe blog that we can all contribute to. i'll let you know if it happens.