Saturday, April 19, 2008

Miss me?

Well, of course you did! Last Sunday, at an obscene time, my hubby and I left for a 6 night cruise to the Bahamas! Yes, just the 2.7 of us! It was a company trip, and it was wonderful...thank you Pearson Mechanical, and Goodman! We were there with many other dealers from North America. When Stacey first called and asked me if I was interested in going...I think my words were: MIDNIGHT BUFFET...PREGNANT WOMAN....YOU BET YA!!!! At the time I didn't know exactly how long the trip was, that came later. I may have reconsidered....or at least for a minute. It sure was a long trip without my babies, who were cared for by many precious people while we were gone. Honey and Nana were main caretakers, but I know Waxahachie and KL helped as well as aunts! We didn't have any communication after Sunday afternoon! That was so hard. I wanted to post a few pictures, but will go through the rest later... We didn't take my camera everywhere due to me not knowing what to we used Stacey's camera as well.The one above was taken with Stacey's camera on a night we went to dinner with some Goodman bigwigs. I don't even mind my double chin... This was right after we left port...

This flower was at Grand Turk behind the lighthouse. The lighthouse that has exciting history, hopefully I will blog about it later...
Our first formal night...

Above photo was taken on our day 1 at Half Moon Cay, a private island by Holland America, our cruise line. It was rained that morning, but turned into a beautiful day followed by...
SUNBURN! Now, as I have posted before, they should make people take lessons on sunscreen application! I really try to cover my body, thoroughly, but I always MISS many places, in odd places! Here is ONE example of MANY mishaps all over my body! See where my watch was? You should see the size of the dinner plate from my thigh, or the stripe on my right leg, or the runway on my left leg, and don't let me forget the tender place under my arm, or the feet, ah yes, the feet or should I list each toe or ankle and the part that is bright right red that has been there since MONDAY! YES! MONDAY! It looks as if I burned yesterday. Stacey's feet are awful! He just totally forgot to put sunscreen on his feet, so that wasn't my fault. I buy AVON's blue sunscreen for the kids so I can see exactly where I put the sunscreen. Please don't tell me to use the spray sunscreen, because that doesn't work for me either...remember CABO. Well, that happened when I used the spray on kind.
Today was a long day traveling. We got home and went to my mom's to see the kids...this is how we found them! CRASHED! We missed them so!

More to come....must sleep!


Mary said...

What a fun getaway! You look so beautiful! I'm sure your kids are so glad you're home, though!

Wade said...

Glad you guys got to get away!

I've done the self-mis-application of sun screen, too! I had a sun bun in the middle of my back that looked like Australia!

Too bad I didn't get the sunburn in Australia!

Hope you're feeling well!

Marianne said...

I've missed you for sure. Didn't know where in the world you were! The sunburns make me hurt. OUCH! So glad you got to get away before "new baby". Looks like you had a great time. Can't imagine being several days without a phone! Hope you are feeling well.
Love you

Phillips Family said...

You look beautiful! Glad that you had a chance to get away before baby number three arrives!

Margaret K said...

I wondered where you were...beautiful pictures. Looks like a great getaway. I love how Parker is asleep with his horse!

The Timberframer's Wife said...

How much fun! You look so beautiful! What a special time for y'all! That's an awful sunburn, girl!