Saturday, October 27, 2007

Okay, Okay

I know! More pictures. You see, me and Blogger aren't getting along now. I like to blog with pictures, lots of them and blogger is now wanting me to pay to put pictures on my blog. I have reached my quota. I have to decide if I want to BUY more space. It starts at $20.00. So before I COMPLETELY lose my picture priviledge! ME! Here are my moviestars on the shuttle to the airport.
Parker showing off his trays, well the one you see is Emaline's. You know those metal trays!! I had one when I was growing up. They are sold on the check out aisle at walmart. A girl from my preschool suggested these for the kids on the airplane. It is hard for the kids to reach the tray on the seat and the metal has a raised edge all the way around so it keeps the crayons together. I printed out these 'homework' sheets for Parker for him to work on the plane. He liked it.

AND here is the REQUESTED bride picture. Isn't she beautiful!? I have the other pictures in an online album. If you would like to see them, email me and I will give you the info.
AND the other question I have been asked..did we or didn't we take the carseat? We took it! We didn't use it, but we had it. It was nice to have the bag we carry our carseat in, because we stashed in LOTS of stuff.


Jennifer said...

What? Blogger makes you pay after a certain number of pictures? I've never heard of that!!

Beck Boys said...

We love the pictures - I did not know that you had to pay for pictures on blogger!

Karl, Andrea, Kaden and Leland said...

Well, I think it's safe to say that we all love seeing the pics, but for blogger to ask for payment...OH, Man!

jenny biz said...

Lauren looks SOO beautiful!!