Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Tagged AGAIN!

A cousin here, a friend there...I just can't get around it.

Here are the rules:
1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
2. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write a post on their own blog (about their eight things) and post these rules. (if you don’t have a blog, email me)
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

SO, here are my eight things.
1. I dislike taking medicine. HATE IT! I would rather have a headache for days then going to open the medicine bottle. Not sure why.

2.NUMBERS are NOT my thing. I can hardly remember my own zipcode, even having to check my drivers license to give a cashier my zip code last week. I am so glad that Stacey has a birthday similar to mine, so I can remember it! Stacey is great with numbers, so we are a great match.

3. I LOVE to needlepoint. It is very theraputic. My greataunt made all of our Christmas stockings and I cherish them, so I want my kids to have the same feeling. I wish I had more time.

4. I get easliy distracted! This drives Stacey crazy. I will be cleaning up and moving things from one part of the house to the other and you can totally follow my trail by my distractions. Laundry turns into organizing, that turns into going through old pictures, that turns into family tree updating, that turns into checking blogs, that turns into returning emails, that turns into photography orders, and the next thing you know Parker's underwear pile is in the living room AGAIN!

5. I love names. When I hear a name, I wonder where the parents found it, who the kid is named after. This brings me to answer a comment question from a few posts back. Emaline's name is a CAGLE family name from the 1800's. The exact date is on my other computer in my family tree.

6. Sometimes I just don't want to cook dinner. I want to eat cereal. I want us all to eat cereal. Do you remember eating cereal for dinner? I did it a lot when I was single. I know I could do it alone, but then what is the point! I would have to cook for the other 3 mouths in my house. Cocoa Pebbles are my favorite, but I haven't bought them in years. I ATTEMPT to eat healthy.

7. I love to garden. I am so ready for next spring to have a garden in my new sectioned off backyard that Stacey just made me. I love to watch things grow.

8. I don't like change. I know this doesn't surprise most of my readers. It really can work me up. I can't even think about change or I get emotional. I have the new car itch, but I don't even want to go look because I don't want to give up the car I have. NOW, my hair is another story. I am not attached to my hair.

How depressing! I feel like such a boring person. Maybe there should be comments from other people who write things about you! that is what I think. SO, I will open the floor. Leave me a comment of something interesting you know about me! Now, let's keep it clean people. I can always edit the comments, just keep that in mind.

Tagging....who shall I tag? I think I will tag some people who need to update their blog! Jenny, Kelli L., Kelly S., Rachel, and Jami are now TAGGED! And if you do this, I will leave you a comment about you!


Amy C said...

I love, love, love to garden too. Photos of the backyard please. I just did my front flowerbed. Feels so good to make progress.

Stacey Pearson said...

Paige loves to leave cabinets open. I always know where she has been because the cabinets will be open. Unloading the diswasher! Every cabinet in the kitchen will be open, just like last night!!!

That is why i love you so much! your the best!

tamandscott said...

I am with you on the numbers thing. I can never remember them, and it often makes me look like a complete idiot.

Kelly said...

I'm right there with you on not taking medicine and loving cereal! I think the cereal thing started in college for me when you could eat it for any meal in the Bean. Yum!

Just got back in town, so I'll have to spend some time thinking of my 8.

Margaret K said...

I have the same distraction problem. I also have the cabinet door and drawer problem, too. I have gottn better about it because the kids have bumped their heads a few times.