I have been wanting to post about little things, so here goes:
Parker has nicknamed Emaline..Emilini! But, you have to have permission by Parker to call her this and it has to be on a certain day that he feels like allowing you call her this.
My mom got Parker this lion THING that sings and dances. Guess what song it dances to: CAN'T TOUCH THIS! Now we have a dance show anytime we want.
Disclaimer: I actually found it and bought this toy for him and called my mom and told her she reimburse me later.
I just love Paula Deen. I got her cookbook for Christmas! She makes me laugh.
Parker's birthday is coming up, and I totally forgot to make the invites! Yep. Silly mommy.
I don't like my garage right now. You see, The boys went to the ranch yesterday and took the dogs. This morning when I went to put a dirty diaper in the garage I realized one of the dogs got SICK in the garage during the night. (We let the dogs sleep in the garage when it gets cold). We have been too busy today to REALLY clean it up. Did I say I don't like my garage right now. I will try to tackle that job in the morning.
I will tackle the job because Stacey doesn't feel good. He is exhausted, plus has either allergy or sinus problems. I feel so bad for him.
If you make Emaline cry too hard she throws up. :)
Parker now tells me---Mommy, you don't have to say NO!
I have lots to do this week.
General Hospital has been SOOO good the past few weeks. My truly only TV addiction right now, except American Idol. The GH crew all ordered shirts...just wait until we wear them! We are SOOO taking pictures. Did you know there is Fantasy Soaps! Like Fantasy Football. No kidding. Check it out at ABC.com. Now, I haven't joined, yet!
I really need to clean out my closet (Husband would AMEN that). I have shoes in boxes that don't fit anymore. My feet grew when I had my babies. I have clothes that don't fit, and probably won't ever fit in there. I may be passing some clothes and shoes your way...
Crayola Bath Dotz are the coolest. My kids can't use bubble bath due to their eczema and a friend gave us those things and it doesn't break them out! So fun.
Satan is attacking people around me...and I don't like it. I am not sitting back and allowing it. I am praying like crazy! For babies, for friends, for marriages.
Jenise! I miss you too! I have clicked so many times trying to find your blog through your comments. I thought about you the other day, your cell phone number from....7 years ago is still in my phone. I thought about calling it and just seeing if it was still yours! But I chickened out! Email me so we can catch up! paigepearsonphotography@gmail.com
I am tired and must go to bed now, not before I send some prayers!