Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Summer of Kindness

This summer we are focusing on kindness! I totally stole the idea from katherine marie! If you have not added her to your google reader, then stop right now and do it! Look at her new veggie theme! HMMMMM... look for that soon on my blog.

The table. The bible verse we are working on this summer.
We had center type activities. Emaline got to trace her name.
These were our kindness cards. We keep them in our car and leave them in places that might bring some joy to others. On the inside: Buy yourself something sweet. Have a happy day. God bless you. Like I said, TOTALLY copied Katherine Marie. I keep glue dots in the zipper bag with the cards with money taped on them, and when we see coke machines, newspaper machines, or gumball machines, we attach.
This was another center. We matched lower case to upper case, and even addition and subtraction to the old cd with paper on it.
AND THE FOOD! We had Lemonade, yellow peppers, lemon pudding, bananas, POPS, bananas and macaroni for lunch. We also had FUNYUNS, but you know what, they aren't very yellow, but the bag is. Macaroni isn't that yellow either... oh well.

Watch out for the kindess spies. That is what they call themselves, that or elves. So cute.


Felicia said...

Super Cute! I love this idea and can't wait to see more pictures!

Kristen OQ said...

I love this blog too -- she is amazing! I hadn't looked in awhile and this idea is too cute. We have been talking a lot about random acts of kindness in our small group...might have to have my boys do this some this summer too. Great idea!

Miss G said...

I really like looking at the ideas on her blog. I wonder if I found it through you or where. This is neat. Kelly