Christmas morning Bop and Sid arrived after Santa had been here. We always eat real NICE when they come. Sid always plans out the menu and we are never disappointed. We were also thankful that they made it safely this year. Last year they slid off of 635 in the ice! No injuries though, except a little car

I love how he is showing off his goods!

Bop and Sid gave all the kids these velvet coloring pages. They love them and I love how pretty/vibrant the colors are.

OH, and every girl needs a REAL fur muff, right?

They got Bowden this train set. He decided he fit better in the middle.

Bop and Sid had this painted for us. WE LOVE IT! He hung it immediately! It captures all of us so well.

Dad gave Parker all of his old books, even the Hardy Boys books. He loved it!

AND check out his face for his horse calendar!
Such a FUN morning!