Wednesday, September 24, 2008

More about the kids

My kids are in a 'house' under the kitchen table. I am sitting in the living room trying to book some sessions on the calendar...when I over hear this:

P: My baby has a kidney stone and it hurts

E: OH NO! That means he needs to go to the doctor

P: NO I don't want to go to the hospital

E: Don't worry, it isn't bad

P: I am going to take my baby to the hospital, but you run some errands
E: I will in a minute, after the doctor comes I need to go to the grocery store.

E: Are the kenedy stones all gone?
E Do you have the kenedy stones?

P: NO, I don't

E: Yes you do, I saw them in your heart

E: I need to take your shirt off to see

P: NO you don't...waa waa waa (Emaline I think tried to take his shirt off, so he was crying)

E: Don't or I will spank your bottom!

P: Do it again you will go to jail!

E: We need to run errands!

P: I don't want to go to jail.

Now, you may not know, but Stacey is SUFFERING from a kenedy stone per Emaline. The kidney stone hasn't made it's way out yet, but obviously the kids are understanding. I love it when my kids play house. It amazes me how much they act like me and Stacey, and repeat things they have heard (ouch), although, we haven't ever threatened JAIL! Just so you know.

Bowden is our current concern. After I got the call that Stacey was on his way to the hospital on I took my kids to a friends house near by until my mom could come get them. While I was at the hospital my friend called to let me know that Bowden had blood in his stool. Raining, pouring, right? I knew he had been having some different stool, but the blood was new. The blood was a hit or miss all weekend. About the time I was ready to take him to Cook's, no blood, for a long time. Then blood. It didn't really have a pattern. After dealing with another child who had blood in her diaper, I was calm. We were also nursing Stacey, if you remember. So, I made one those deals with more diaper, call. So I took B to the doctor yesterday after my deal was met. I am currently on a stool retrieval mission. This is gross! PLUS, the kid is having very loose stools, so I am scraping the diaper, and the rate I am going, it will take me a month to fill those 4 canisters, YES 4! I have a plan next bowel movement, but I won't share unless it is successful! HA! The doctor thinks he may have a milk allergy. If the stools continue as is, we will need to go on some kind of expensive formula for a while until I can get those stool canisters filled and sent off to be analysed. I can save my milk during this time so if the milk allergy is ruled out I can continue to nurse. Incentive to scrape! Please pray for his little body!
My new photos of B are still on the camera. SO I will leave you with ms. e!


Stacey Pearson said...

They are so observant! that is scary! the best advice i can give about kidney stones is drink LOTS OF WATER!!!!!!!!!!! Let me tell you, it is worth it to try to prevent them at all costs!

Beck Boys said...

Sounds like your house is a little busy right now. Hope things get better soon. I pray that you can find out what is going on with Bowden. We will be praying for y'all.

Laura Drury said...

When it rains it pours! Praying that all of you will be well and that you will be able to have answers about little B soon. You have a precious family!

Lindsey said...

Hope Dad feels better soon. Poor B! John and I need to come see those kids soon. DWTS was on and I started to miss P & E like crazy!!

Lots of love to your family!

Kelly said...

Poor Stacey, poor Bowden, and poor you! Hang in there!

Margaret K said...

I am so sorry you guys are going through the poop thing again and Stacey has a kidney stone. Life is stressful enough without sickness. I hope everyone gets better soon. I had a friend whose husband was prone to kidney stones and once he started taking magnesium, he stopped having them. Here is one link I found...

tamandscott said...

Brayden had blood in his stool when he was a baby and had a terrible time after eating. We thought it was just his reflux, but I took him to a pediatric GI, and she recommended we put him on Similac Alimentum (sp?) because he couldn't break down the protiens in breast milk or formula, and it was causing him pain. The special formula had the protiens already broken down. Anyway, it ended up being an easy (and very expensive) fix. It was still pretty scary going through it though, so I know how you're feeling!
I hope Stacey's kidney stones go away soon. Ick!!

Mary said...
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Mary said...

Your kids are so cute and witty! I love the conversations that you post. And, we'll be praying for little Bowden. We went through that with Sydni, too, back when she was six weeks old. That's so hard. I'll pray that he will heal quickly and that he will not hurt. Oh, yeah, and for Stacey, too. Poor guy! Love y'all!