Thursday, August 23, 2012

August 3rd

 On August 3rd I did something. I accomplished something. I cried. I proved something to myself. It doesn't sound like much, but I did it. I attached this tandem to my bike. Big deal? Yes.

I had to remove the carrier rack on my bike. I had to remove the tandem from Stacey's bike. THIS WAS HARD! It had been on it for 6 months and was wedged on there. We skyped Stacey once. I declared we weren't going on a bike ride, a few times. I cried. I tried to use a socket thing, but didn't need to. Have I mentioned I cried? Then Stacey told us about this super cool tool that I needed and where it was, much better. I did it! We went on a fabulous bike ride.

Did I mention it was Jenny's birthday?  Oh, and Stacey is outside working on our garage as I type. So don't talk about it behind my back JACK! And yes, my car is still smashed in the back. It's getting close to being like that for 1 year. Cool. At least everyone knows its me! And.... I put that tandem on my bike all by myself!

What have you accomplished lately?

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