Last weekend, B and E had some time with just Mommy. We had a great time. On Friday night, I braved both kids to Chili's (Emaline's choice). When we arrived, it was packed. I was scared. We walked in, put our name on the list, which was 20-25 minutes, and went to visit the bathroom. I thought we would get that out of the way. We headed back to the front, asked if someone would move over so I could rest the car seat (that thing is getting SO heavy), and they called our name! I guess we took a long time in the restroom. Emaline and I had a great time at dinner. We talked. She colored. I rocked Bowden in his carseat. She chose a cheeseburger and fries. Good choice. Then I asked the question: What do you want to be when you grow up? The answer: jump out of swings. My sweet darling wants to jump out of swings. Sweet! Bowden starts getting fussy. Our teenage waiter asks if B would like some crackers. I explain that he is too young, and he asks how old B is. When I say 4.5 months, the guy says: So, how is that working for ya? Nice. I didn't even begin to tell that guy I had another babe at a camp out.
Another moment I don't want to forget is Emaline counting in Spanish. The kids are getting spanish at preschool and it is just priceless. I hope to get a video on here soon of them singing one of their songs. When Emaline counts in spanish she says:
Also, thanks to everyone for your prayers. I wish I could say b is better, but he isn't. Looks like we will be heading to an allergist soon. I am learning my new computer. Tough time to learn something new with the business. Pictures later!