Thursday, March 23, 2006

Where's CORN?

When your son asks, "Mama, where's corn?" you really should be suspicious. Setting the scene: lunch time yesterday, Parker still wearing his red flannel zip up pjs, sitting at table finishing his veggies, mama at kitchen sink, washing dishes. Parker asked me over and over where the corn was, I told him on his plate (I should have turned around), then he would say, "Pajamas." I explained that yes, he was still wearing his pjs. Finally, I turned around. The plate was clean, the table was vegetable spill over clean. I walked over to him where he was beginning to unzip his pajamas. He reached his hand in and pulled out a pea, then a piece of corn, then I unzipped his pajamas and found the rest of the mixed vegetable medley! All the way down to his toes. We laughed and laughed. I just hope he doesn't try jell-o!


Unknown said...

Ethan hides food in his clothes too. It cracks me up when I change his diaper or clothes and find remnants of breakfast, lunch or dinner. I've even seen him pull cheerios out of his clothes and eat them for a snack!!

jenny biz said...

So cute! He is a smart cookie!

Amy C said...

That is so funny. I never experienced clothes snacks. That is a new one! Too bad Kelli's kids were all out of clothes snacks at the service department getting the car fixed. . .

Stacey Pearson said...

let's just be wary next time one of our kids asks the other one for last nights dinner! :)