Friday, September 04, 2009

Soccer Boy

First, I was going through some old boxes and found an old MUM. Emaline LOVED it. Then it went into the trash.
Another E story. Last night we had some friends over for her birthday, and we noticed that our 2 young girls were in the bathroom together. I opened the door to see Emaline and friend standing on stools, each at a sink filled with water, with those little capsules that turn into stuff floating in each. E looked right at me and said: You can just go do what you need to go do. I am not sure if she told me to shut the door or not, but I am pretty sure I hid behind the door LAUGHING MY HEAD OFF. She got in big trouble later, but come on! That is a pretty funny one.

These are out of order.
End of game.
Some peeps who came to watch the game.

Our friend Carson who we played against.
Another Peep.
This is one of Parker's new friends who also goes to school with him. They play at recess every day together. Another interesting fact about this photo. I was standing back behind the bench and asked Parker to ask his friend for a photo. He walked over to friend and said, my mom wants to take our picture, then moved closer to him and kind of staged this photo for me. Thanks Parker, I have trained you well.

Carson's brother Landon, Emaline's sweet friend. We love this family. SO sweet.
I am proud of you little man.


jaymie said...

i remember thinking you had THE BEST mums! I think I remember a Teddy Bear one too. Yours were just always SO COOL to this little cousin of yours!

Margaret K said...

Emaline is so spunky! I love her!

Parker looks like he is having fun in soccer. I am glad kinder in going well for him!

Bowden is precious as always.