Friday, July 17, 2009

It is a good reason

I haven't been a good blogger! We moved! Through packing, rearing of children, moving, being without internet...the blog has suffered!

Here are some photos of the kids in their new rooms.My pirate/monkey/jailbird! He did not want to be in his bed, even for a photo. He was all over the place, and this was the best I got.
This was his cowboy face!
Miss Thang.
The boys are sharing a room again. I love this photo. Can you tell which one is teething?

The below photos are from the old house, during the packing process. I gave Parker and Emaline a box and asked them to pack it for me. Really just trying to keep them busy. Parker packed his horses, LIKE THIS!
If you can't tell, they are all standing up in the bottom of the box. He cried when Bowden reached into the box and removed one of them, causing a domino effect.

And the below photos. It is really hard to pack when you have this on your legs! OR UNPACK for that matter!


all things girly said...

show me some pic's of the new house? Your house sure did sell quickly! that's a blessing-


Phillips Family said...

love parker's packing! Good luck with this transition!

Three Two Hold One Lost said...

Paige, you are doing a fabuloso job! Kiss that hunkly cowboy and hold and absorb that beautiful "thang" called Emaline! My little J and your little B have the same cling to Momma trick going on! CJ says, "He doesn't do that to Daddy. Why doesn't he??" Your B is cute, funny, adorable, try to remember that when he is consuming your whole day!:-)Love you and miss you

Stacia said...

Glad your back girl! :) Good luck with the unpacking. I am in awe that you sold your house so quickly with three young kiddos. I understand the child attached to your leg. I think that's about the point that I'm praying Stefan gets home soon.