Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day gifts

We did some homemade gifts this year. We made blackberrys for Daddy and Buddy! I didn't think Bop would know what one was! I found this idea on another blog I have found and am addicted to the website. It might have come off of the sight with that new button down on my blog on the left. I thought some of you might enjoy that website! The kids totally helped with this project. I guess you can tell that from the keyboard. At first I laid my phone out and we were trying to match where the keys went, then I just gave up and told them to have it!
WE also made pen/pencil cans for the men at work. Also taken off of one of my new favorite blogs. I had to adjust it a bit and photoshop'd some scrap to make it fit. EMaline cut these out all by herself. In fact, that is what she is doing in the below post with the amazing outfit.

I hope you guys had a great Father's Day! I know we have the best daddy and grandfather's!

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