Monday, September 17, 2007

meet my new friend

Rylee Kate! She is one week old today! I can't believe it, and I am sure her mommy is thinking the same thing. Stephanie and I took a litte road trip to pray this little one into the world. Her mommy is a very special person to many people and I can't wait for all of us to come visit these 2, and of course Sandy!
Many funny things have been happening around here. Parker is saying the cutest things, and Emaline is chattering up a storm, repeating everything we say! We went to Grapefest this past weekend with Nana and Lala. The kids did great. I did see a blog friend there riding the ponies. Parker had to wait PAST his turn because the PAINT horse was taken! He finally got to ride the paint and everyone was happy. Emaline liked riding the teacups with daddy, but Parker was hilarious on the Carousel, waving at ANYONE who would look at him.


Susan @ Blessed Assurances said...

ahh, that's sweet.

girl, have you lost weight? B/c you look hot! :)

Love you couz!

Amy C said...

Rylee is adorable! I can't wait to see her in person.