Monday, June 04, 2007


Today was Emaline's 15 month checkup, (a little late, but as my friend told me, that is just the way I roll), and after her shots we had to wait the 15 minutes before we could leave when I was just disturbed. From across the waiting room I hear a child's voice YELL...

I'm gonna kick your a**!

Which of course got my attention! I looked up to see a child and both his parents just sitting there. The parents reaction: 'Don't say that boy, a 4 year old shouldn't say words like that.'

Don't you think words like that are inappropriate at any age! I hate when I hear any cuss word, but out of little child's mouth...just has disturbed me really.

e's check up was great. She is one tall girl! WNBA here we come!


Ash said...

I think I would find that quite disturbing. It makes youwonder what else he has been hearing and possibly repeating with no real consequences.

Oh, and I love Emaline's new glasses!

Wade said...

Nothing gets me more fired up than irresponsible parenting!


You should have done them both a favor and washed both of their mouths out with soap!

Margaret K said...

How do you even have time to post! What a busy weekend. Love the hollywood glasses. Very Greta Garbo. That's terrible about that potty mouth at the doctor's office.

Beth said...

Stuff like that is so common these days. At the pool last week a woman with an aggressive little boy in the pool told me that i needed to teach my boys some manners. Of course, she was glued to her cell phone and missed her "little angel" pulling the ball out of Ethan's hands. Then he pushed a little girl down, told her to shut up and then the unbelievable came out of his mouth.... f@#$ you. Makes you wonder how her and her husband talk to each other in her house. And, I need to teach my kids manners. What a joke!!!

Amy C said...

What a busy, but great week!