Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Yesterday, I received a call from the nurse at my doctor's office and said that everything from the tests looked normal and that we were on the right antibiotic. She then told me know that stuff that contradicts what the doctor had told me the day before. I was worked up. I was confused. Stacey told me to call back. Nope. I will just internalize it and let it get the best of me. Then today, Emaline had another bloody diaper. I called. They needed to see us in the office. We went. Emaline was catheterized again. And the nurse was wrong. I should have called back just like Stacey said. We are now on our way to a Pediatric Urologist. Hopefully she can figure out what is going on with my little one.


tamandscott said...

I'll add sweet Emailine to our small group's prayer list. God is a healer!!

tamandscott said...
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Unknown said...

Maybe you can find one nurse and one doctor/specialist and request only to speak with them. Maybe that would cut down on the confusion from the nurses. I don't know but there's nothing worse than not knowing and hearing different things from different people. But, I do know, this is not because of something you did!!! (I'm gonna keep telling you that until you believe me!)

Phillips Family said...

The variety in diagnosis amazes me. I have been told so many things regarding Isaac from different nurses, doctors, and therapists. One will say everything is great while another says "He has A,B,and C." It is SO confusing and frustrating because you don't know who is right and who is wrong. Emaline is your first baby girl and all this UTI stuff is new. Hang in there. You are being the best Mommy that you can be!

Beck Boys said...

I do understand what you are going through. I know you want so badly to know what is wrong and how to fix it. I can say from our experiences that it is a roller coaster and not a fun one. Just remember to pray everyday and we have been and will continue too. They will find out what is going on - stay on top of them - keep calling and never take no for an answer. They can find out what is wrong. Keeep us posted - we are praying for all of you!

angie c said...

Gosh Paige, I haven't read your blog in a few weeks and didn't know Emaline was sick. I can't imagine what you are feeling. I'll pray for Emaline and you and Stacy, too. Thinking about you!

Amy C said...

We are praying for you all, especially sweet Emaline! Sick kids are a heartbreaker. It never occured how much God truly loved me until I hurt for my own children. You realize how deeply you love when you hurt so badly for someone you love. Hang in there.