Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Has it been 1 Week?

I can't believe it has been 1 week since Emaline was born, and since I posted! So much to blog about. Husband said my blog needed to be updated so I just need to decide where to start.

We had so many friends and family join with us at the hospital to celebrate Emaline. The picture includes great grandmothers, grandparents, uncle, aunt and cousins. God is so good to have blessed us with amazing people in our lives who hurt when we hurt, and rejoice when we rejoice. We had wonderful nurses who cared for us and were so patient with us.

We came home on Friday after learning that Emaline had jaundice. Her count wasn't very high so we didn't have to have the lights or blanket. We just had to supplement with some formula and lay her in indirect sunlight. I loved dressing her to come home from the hospital. She looked so different in clothes rather than the white shirt the hospital keeps her in. Her ride home was silent. We were met at home by Nana and big brother, but he was asleep at our arrival. When he woke up all he could talk about was Emaline. I can't believe how well he is adjusting. He wants to hold her, help change her, alert us if she moving in her sleep, and stick her passy in her mouth. In this picture he is sharing his cows.

Emaline is sleeping okay... (I was just hugged by a naked 23 month old who was so proud of himself for pee peeing in the potty) sometimes she sleeps all day and night, other times she wakes almost every hour. She can sleep through anything. Blessing. We have received 4 meals so far from families from church. People are so generous. Another blessing is the help we have had the past week. My mom stayed with us a few days, followed by Husband's grandmother and aunt, Stacey's mom, and now my mom is back. Laundry and ironing is caught up (until Emaline pooped everywhere while Mammy was changing a diaper today), floors are clean, and kitchen is organized. I just might hire Mammy and Dee to come once a week to help organize my house and decorate (for another post).

Parker. He is incredible. He is learning new things and words every day. One of his new phrases is 'OH GOSH!' I was really feeling guilty that I had taught him this unacceptable phrase when I heard some character on Clifford say it this morning.

A special thank you to my husband for being an incredible man of God! Thank you for being my encourager, and helper. I know that I am so fortunate that you help me so much with the kids (yes kids!). I love you.


Unknown said...

Sounds like you guys are doing great. Send Mammy and Dee over to my house... I can't keep up with my cleaning! I was supposed to have an affair with Mr. Clean this week while Scott was out, but instead I had an affair with Senor Remote Control. I'm so glad everything is going well with your expanded family!

Phillips Family said...

I have been checking for Emaline updates daily--glad to read one (and impressed that you have the time and the alertness to type a post!). Things sound like they are running smoothly and everyone is adjusting. We can't wait to come see precious Emaline once the cold bug has departed from our house.

jenny biz said...

Yea, Parker is doing so well. I am sure he is loving his new role as helper big bro.:) Glad you guys are doing great!!

Stacey Pearson said...

The reason things are going great is because of my incredible wife! I want to tell her thank you because she has handled everything wonderfully. You are the blessing in my life and through you I feel the arms of God wrapped around me. Nothing would be complete without you!

angie c said...

She is so sweet!! I know you are enjoying every minute.

Thanks for the stroller recommendation. We went with the Graco so you won!! Thanks again.

Looking forward to reading more about your family.

Bev Ross said...

Delighted to catch up! She is beautiful! Glad Parker is adjusting so well! Can't wait to see them! Hope it is soon!